Share to Spread Love

What does love stands for? Who is the first person that comes to your mind when I say ‘your love life’? Most definitely your spouse, fiancé, beloved or a lover. Does this mean all the other relationships don’t come under the circle of love? Yes, they do. Then how come they are not part of your love life?

You have feelings for your parents, siblings, children, friends etc. & these are feelings of love. You feel compassionate towards your co-workers, employees & helpers. Then why & how this trend of explaining a love life in a shrunken manner started?!

It is a modern day phenomenon of reducing the diameter & intensity of love so that the bonds of connectedness between humans can be weakened. Observe, how our grandparents & great grandparents used to interact with others regardless of their relations & social status?And see how our generation make contacts? There is a huge difference in the display of emotions because there is an absence of emotions. Our generation don’t feel much so they stay aloof & indifferent.

This idea of deficient love life was introduced to reduce the circuit of love among humankind. This has resulted in distrust, hate, war & chaos. Because the definition of love changed, so the flow of love is obstructed. Love is the driving force, the basic foundation of your existence. The love you feel for yourself, your family, friends, pets, community, nation, nature & the whole world is part & parcel of your ‘Love Life’. Broaden your horizon & your love will increase. Your love life will always blossom because it does not depend on one person. Love is profound, please don’t belittle it! ~Poonam


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