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Sometimes plans don’t work out. Unforeseen events happen & you receive disappointment from the least unexpected source; situation or people. You know what, it happens to all, you are not an exception. Pain is prevalent in everybody’s life. Nobody talks about it often, but it is there. Hiding beneath the fake smile, peeping from behind the eyeball, colliding on the beats of the heart, it is there. Honor the pain, feel it, it is yours, don’t ignore it.

What happens when you neglect someone who is trying to give you an important message? Either that person leaves & you are deprived of the important information, or that person gets furious & is unable to deliver the info properly. In both the cases you are at a loss. So, sit with your pain & listen. You feel like crying, then cry. You want to write down your feelings, then journal. Take your time to heal. When you spend time on healing, you are not wasting your time, you are doing exactly what is required to do at that particular moment. Once you are done get up, get dressed & move on with an evolved version of yourself.

‘To evolve’ is ‘to change’. Keep changing your manners, your attitude, your ideologies. You cannot spend your whole life staying the same. Every situation demands a new you, a better you. It is ok to get hurt, to feel your emotions, to heal, to change. Believe me, it is okay!

No matter what happens, there is always room for hope & light. Keep the windows open & the Universe will do its job. Just like this picture that I clicked few days back. Before completing its day’s journey the evening Sun visited the room & bookmarked its passage with a beautiful trail of light. It is mesmerising, isn’t it? ~Poonam


6 thoughts on ““It’s Ok” by: Poonam

  1. “Your perspective on life makes me want to live more thoughtfully.
    Too, your warm energy and care brings this family together.” 🙏

    1. Thank you so very much for putting a smile on my heart. I am happy to know I am making a needful difference in people’s life. Grateful!! 🙏🏻

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