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I am leading someone else’s life, sometimes I ponder,

this isn’t my path, I know, these are foreign troubles.

This isn’t my pain to endure, this isn’t my struggle,

Oh, this agony & the never ending puzzles!

Whose darkness I am fighting? coz my mission was to only love,

I am caged & forlorn, my wings are now torn & tongue wobble.

I plead my breaths to leave this sheath, so my spirit can be free,

there is no prince charming out there, I don’t live in fantasy.

Though it is someone else’s task, I will do it with grace,

in my own style, at my divine pace.

For all of it is temporary, I know in my heart,

all of this will end, never to appear on my chart.

But till then no choice is there but to endure,

till then, I have to wear a smile, & walk like a warrior. ~Poonam


2 thoughts on ““A Warrior” by: Poonam

  1. Life’s other name is Struggle. One has to cope up with the circumstances. Never lose heart, face the truth with courage. One day the Sucess will definitely be Yours.

    1. Thank you for the blessings to succeed. 🙏🏻
      Life can be a struggle for some, for me its a mission. This is the beauty of poetry, everyone get a different feel from it. No body is wrong. I respect your point of view, thanks again for taking time out to read & reply!

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