“Imagination is Real” by: Poonam
हर चीज़ को बदलना ज़रूरी नहीं था, सब कुछ नया करना ज़रूरी नहीं था। ✉️ खत लिखते थे लोग तो लफ़्ज़ों में लज़्ज़त होती थी,…
I am leading someone else’s life, sometimes I ponder, this isn’t my path, I know, these are foreign troubles. This isn’t my pain to endure,…
What does love stands for? Who is the first person that comes to your mind when I say ‘your love life’? Most definitely your spouse,…
Sometimes plans don’t work out. Unforeseen events happen & you receive disappointment from the least unexpected source; situation or people. You know what, it happens…
You give, what you have. Raise your intellectual & spiritual standards. Your kids are your heirs. I learn, so that I can teach. I acquire…
He: “What is more significant, Love or Respect ?” She: “They are two sides of the same coin. You don’t have one, you can’t have…
ज़िंदगी अब कुछ और दिखा रंज, सितम, घुटन ये बहुत हुआ, कुछ नया सोच, कुछ बड़ा बना ऐ ज़िंदगी, कुछ और दिखा । क्या हुआ…