“A Book & Her Reader” by: Poonam
“A Book also reads her Reader. When a Reader is buying a Book, a Book is also choosing her Reader.” “While reading, every thought &…
“A Book also reads her Reader. When a Reader is buying a Book, a Book is also choosing her Reader.” “While reading, every thought &…
कुछ ईंटों के जवाब पत्थरों में छिपे होते हैं , कुछ चाहतों के जवाब फूलों में छिपे होते हैं । तुम गुलशन में जाओ तो…
Today, I want to share some information about the ‘Levels of Souls’. All souls are equal & vital. However, they are termed new, mature &…
The process of SETTING BACK You are not your thoughts. Your thoughts are the outcome of the external circumstances that occur as a result of…
There is an Arabic word ‘Maktub’, which means ‘it is written’. It implies that everything that happens is preplanned. However, the question arises; where is…
Lord Krishna said in Bhadwad Gita, "There are millions of Suns & millions of habitable planets, like Earth, in this Universe. The Cosmos is endless…
"Truthfulness is a gem, not all can afford.” "I am honest in my dealings & feelings. I will never make anyone happy on the expense…
“September 21st is marked as ‘World Gratitude Day’. I thank you all for at least taking time out to read what I write. My job…
Let’s admit, not everyone is happy to see others happy. People gloat. That is why, it becomes your sole responsibility to work for your happiness.…
Once we learn to listen with grace & understanding, saying things politely & freely becomes easy. We can not expect others to be frank &…