“Meditation” by: Poonam
“Some people believe that taking a break, is a waste of time, while some others feel guilty when they spend their time in resting. There…
🌟LISTEN TO YOUR SOUL🌟 because 🌟ONLY SOUL IS REAL🌟 You are not this body,…
अख़लाक = शिष्टाचार/courtesy एहतराम = आदर/respect उन्स = लगाव, दोस्ती/attachment friendship बे-हिसी = असंवेदनशीलता/insensitivity गिले = शिकायतें/complaints
🌞 “The Morning Sun can be quite mischievous & funny. It is ever ready to play ‘peek a boo’ through…
“She walked out of the Ruins of Her Past & built a Castle of Her Present near it. Everyday She would lean out of the…
“The word 'Intuition' comes from a Latin word 'Intueri' which means 'Look Within'.” “INTUITION is not the same as instinct, belief, logic or truth. It…
Divine Souls, You are Powerful. Sometimes your strength & positivity is a source of fear for those who know & believe that you are far…