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“You tend to know a lot about the world around you, but you never try to explore Your Own-self. No,no, I am definitely not referring to your physical appearance, social status or bank balance. Because, all this doesn’t define You.”

“Your Physical Self is merely a tool to be present in this Physical World. Whereas, in reality you are a Spiritual Being, gaining Physical Experiences & Lessons, which assist in your evolution.”

“Everything around you; all your possessions, your relationships, your achievements & failures, situations etcetera are temporary & transient. Among all this chaos, Only Soul Is Real. When everything fades away, what is left is the Soul.”

“Aren’t we all already aware of this fact ? Haven’t we already heard about it in ‘The Gita’? But, still we mingle in the dilution of the humdrum activities & all these preachings become cliché. They cease to have impact on us or we simply don’t have time to savour it. No matter what our choices are, a truth is always a truth.”

“Just sit quietly & give it a thought. Take a deep breath & feel the message. Realize it’s significance & keep it in your mind all day. Initially, it will be difficult to sustain but you can try certain tricks to maintain it. For instance, make a screen saver or wallpaper on your gadget pointing towards this idea. You can use a quote or a picture, whatever resonates with you. So, whenever you will glance at it your consciousness will get triggered & you will be able to remember the message. Slowly & gradually this gist will get imprinted on your mind & it will govern all your thoughts & activities. You will begin to experience a healthy detachment & divine bliss. Simple, isn’t it ? Try it, dear one & take good care of your Soul. It has come a long way & still, it has a long tour to accomplish.”

“Take care of your soul. Your spiritual journey is much longer than your physical journey.” ~Poonam~


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