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The process of SETTING BACK

You are not your thoughts. Your thoughts are the outcome of the external circumstances that occur as a result of your Physical Self.

Try not to get involved in your feelings. Just observe them, like a gatekeeper who stands at the gate and keeps an eye on all the passerbys but never intrudes into someone’s talking & walking. Here you are an OBSERVER & your thoughts are OBSERVED.

As you practice, you will be able to develop a sense of DETACHMENT; detachment from your own feelings, emotions & physical surroundings. You will be connected to all but will be attached to no one. This is THE PROCESS OF SETTING BACK. This process aids in understanding that ‘this body & things linked to our physical existence are temporary. What matters is Our Soul, so we begin to cherish soul connections with others.’ It is the state of supreme bliss & divine love. May we all attain this Higher Level of Consciousness! ~Poonam~


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