Share to Spread Love

Sometimes, you can’t find enough motivation to write, especially when juggling numerous internal and external challenges. It can feel overwhelming, and emotions may cloud your ability to express yourself on the page. I have been in that zone for the past few days. Still, I wanted to keep up with regular posting; hence, I am sharing some pictures captured approximately three weeks ago on the outskirts of Ludhiana, Kohara.

These images bring to mind a beautiful song by John Denver from 1971:

“Country Roads,
Take me home,
To the place I belong……” 🎶🎼🎶🎼🎶🎼🎶

Savor the wonders of nature & allow Mother Earth to guide you to your rightful place! ~Poonam


4 thoughts on “‘Country Roads’ by: Poonam

  1. Please do not let your problems overpower your natural course of living and emotions. Every problem has sometimes a blessing in disguise and also at times a hidden solution in itself. See the natural beauty in all pics. These never lose their charm while standing always in open and facing so many thounderous storms. Similarly life goes on the way The Almighty has in store for us. Ones duty is do only in the right direction and should not get swayed with the worldly waves . 🙏

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