Share to Spread Love

What is beauty? Can we truly define, measure or weight it as per our set standards? Do we really need to compare & decide that one is more beautiful than another? Why not just appreciate people and things for who they are, without passing any judgment?

I believe, beauty shines through the eyes of those who love. Love has a way of highlighting the best in everything and everyone. When you love, you tend to see through the lens of warmth, notice the positives & try to enhance the beauty all the more with compassion & dedication—everything feels so much more wonderful and magical! Therefore, I feel, the world needs more lovers & fewer critics.

I personally try to approach everything & everyone with love & compassion. Yes, sometimes it is tricky when the person in-front is not amiable, authentic & supportive. But that is what they are & this is what they have to offer. Likewise, I show what I am & propose what I have. I do my part & this makes a difference.

I have this knack of seeing the world through the eyes of a lover, always finding beauty in the most unexpected places & people! Just check out the stunning flooring I captured recently! I was at Barista, and the moment I laid eyes on those gorgeous tiles, I was completely enchanted. The soft earthy hues & ethnic mandala design transformed the entire space into a lively masterpiece! I couldn’t wait to share it with you—what do you think? You might wonder, it is just a floor! Yes, but isn’t it amazing? ~Poonam


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