Share to Spread Love

He declared, “I am annoyed with you!”

She asked, “Why? What is the matter?”

He complained, “You are busy writing all the time. If you have something to share, you can confide in me. Is it necessary to write down everything? Moreover….!” He hesitated & looked sternly towards her.

She became curious, caressed his hand and inquired in a soothing tone, “Go on, you can speak your mind. It is perfectly fine.”

He said, criticising, “Yesterday, I realised you have been writing about things that don’t seem right. You shouldn’t be open like this.”

She chuckled & replied, “I write because the train of my thoughts & cart of my feelings never stops. Something is always going on in my mind & heart. Technically, no one can listen to & understand everything I have to say, so I shift to writing.”

He asked, “What do you mean by ‘the train of thoughts’ & ‘a cart of feelings’?”

She laughed as she explained, “That is an interesting question. I’d love to answer that. Over time, I’ve gathered that thoughts move much faster than feelings. The mind keeps racing without any breaks, jumping from one idea to another, making quick judgements & conclusions. On the other hand, the heart is the feeling centre & it stops at every turn. It takes time to feel every emotion, grasp every desire, embrace every whim & savour every moment to the full extent so it slows down. But this doesn’t mean feelings stay constant, as they are also prone to change.”

“Therefore, to catch up with the vulnerability of my mind & heart, I write down as it is because I might lose them later. The speed of thoughts & feelings is fast. Therefore, when I write, I tend to ignore how my handwriting looks like, whether the spelling is correct or if it’s logical or senseless banter. I write whatever comes; I embrace it. They are precious to me because they are coming through me. There must be a part of me who is feeling that way & wishes to confess or convey something meaningful. Hence, I don’t shrink. My hand goes with the flow. I know I can reject or accept them later on. Or better still, polish these pearls & beautify them all the more.” She paused for a while & continued.

“As far as your concern about my sharing my thoughts & feelings so openly, I am brave enough to do so because I have no ulterior motives. I have nothing to hide. My inside & outside sing the same melody, dream the same vision & pursue the same goals, i.e. love, compassion, peace & all-inclusiveness. If you or anybody comes to me to admit your hidden desires or opinions, I’ll listen without being judgemental, I’ll honour them with an open heart, I promise!”,She replied with contentment, picked up her pen & carried on with her writing. ~Poonam

{Picture clicked at Isha Yoga Center displaying organic, raw & unedited writings scribbled✍🏻 at an airport, while waiting for the flight✈️ }


2 thoughts on “‘An Honest Writer’ by: Poonam

  1. Really You are on the right path. Do as is being directed by your heart and later correct or justify if circumstances’ need arises. But one should not get swayed by mind as you rightly said and described, as I understood, has no boundaries.
    Ideas conveyed in short span of waiting at airport depicts your thinking in Super sonic speed where speed is faster than sound. GBU

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