“Although I was burnt to ashes, I sprung from my own stardust, more alive & illumined than ever.”
Dear Souls, sometimes we bump into people who find pleasure in destroying us, in plundering our mind, body & spirit. We find no way to fight these peace-vampires & feel stuck. However, if you pay heed then you will realise that all this is happening for your ultimate good. Sounds crazy, isn’t it ?! What I mean to say is that every setback & every heartbreak, all the woes & all the foes, that you encounter, are sent to you for the purpose of ‘Your Awakening’. Whenever you experience a jolt in your smooth life try to understand the message behind it. This is the way the Universe converse. Utilise every adversity to fuel the fire of your soul. Grasp the message. Learn the lesson. The solution lies without the problem.
Don’t bother what others will think about your changed self. Don’t be afraid of loosing people. Loosing your own self is much bigger blunder. Claim your power & become unstoppable. Be a Phoenix & surprise (or shock) them with your sparkles ! ~Poonam~